Monday, July 18, 2011

Malia's 11th Birthday Bash Weekend!!!!

Here we are at the waterpark!
After a long afternoon at the waterpark we celebrated with Pizza and Soda

We had Cupcakes for Dessert!

Opening gifts from her friends

Here are the crazy girls before bed or at least I was hoping they would go to bed!

Getting ready for the family party. They wanted to crimp their hair.

First time having her hair crimped!

Opening her gifts from her family!

We had cookie cake!!! Yummy!

We had a great day with everyone. Thank you to everyone for coming and making her day special!!! We are very blessed to have such a wonderful, beautiful, and loving little young lady in our life. I love watching her grow everyday.Thank you again. Happhy Birthday Malia!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July

We had a great 4th of July nice and relaxing!!! We got to enjoy fireworks with Matt, Ashley and Addie. She was super cute she clapped and chooed at the fireworks. She is getting so big she is 9 months old now. Time sure does fly :)