Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Our Chrismas 2010

Rob cooking us breakfast christmas morning. Yum

We had a wonderful christmas. We had everyone over to our house and enjoyed each and everyone of them. We are a truly blessed family.

Christmas 2010 @ the Cowan Household

Rob playing Malia's Gift not quit sure who is enjoying it more!

I look down and this is what I see. It won't be long he will be up and going:)
Everyone relaxing and enjoying each others company!
Malia Playing Santa
Lexi and Jackson opening their gifts from Papa and JuJu.
We had a great time at their house I can not wait till this Friday when we have the whole gang together :):)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Addelynn 3 Month!

Addelynn is 3 months old now. She weighs 15lbs. She is doing really good. She has to go have some testing done on her Kidney's to make sure everything is ok. Other than that she is a healthy beautiful baby.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2 Year Anniversary!!!

Rob and I have been married 2 years now. I am a very lucky women to have such a wonderful husband. Time sure does fly when you are having fun. We went to Herman for the weekend. We had a great time.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas 2010

Our Christmas tradition is to go and cut down our own tree. Rob has done this with his boys for years and we have done this with them now for 6 years. I can not believe how much time has flown by. I am a very lucky women.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Addelynn 2 months

Time sure does fly. It is hard to believe that she is 2 months old now.