Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Our Chrismas 2010

Rob cooking us breakfast christmas morning. Yum

We had a wonderful christmas. We had everyone over to our house and enjoyed each and everyone of them. We are a truly blessed family.

Christmas 2010 @ the Cowan Household

Rob playing Malia's Gift not quit sure who is enjoying it more!

I look down and this is what I see. It won't be long he will be up and going:)
Everyone relaxing and enjoying each others company!
Malia Playing Santa
Lexi and Jackson opening their gifts from Papa and JuJu.
We had a great time at their house I can not wait till this Friday when we have the whole gang together :):)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Addelynn 3 Month!

Addelynn is 3 months old now. She weighs 15lbs. She is doing really good. She has to go have some testing done on her Kidney's to make sure everything is ok. Other than that she is a healthy beautiful baby.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2 Year Anniversary!!!

Rob and I have been married 2 years now. I am a very lucky women to have such a wonderful husband. Time sure does fly when you are having fun. We went to Herman for the weekend. We had a great time.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas 2010

Our Christmas tradition is to go and cut down our own tree. Rob has done this with his boys for years and we have done this with them now for 6 years. I can not believe how much time has flown by. I am a very lucky women.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Addelynn 2 months

Time sure does fly. It is hard to believe that she is 2 months old now.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Soccer is Over :(

My best action shot of her! She did really good this game. She finally got aggressive. We are looking forward to next session. They won their last game 4-2. Many thanks to the ones that came out and cheered her on she really loved having you guys at the games. Thank you Coach Jason.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Fun!!!

My Crazy Punk Rocker. She was so freaking Cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My sweet baby. Yes the pink came right out that night :)

Grandpa and our little lady bug

The rocker and the lady bug!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

More of Sweet Addelynn

Addelynn Elizabeth Casagrande
Lots and Lots of Hair!! Very Kissable Cheeks!!
All unwrapped right before a big poopy diaper!!!
Very Happy Grandme!!

Malia did not want to put her down or leave her at all!!!!
She is already asking when she can see her again.

Extremely Proud Grandpa!!!!!!
She was the sweetest little thing ever. We could not get enough of her:)

Baby Addelynn

Baby Addelynn Elizabeth Casagrande Graced our Presents last nigh at 11:03p.m. weighing in at 8lbs 1 oz- 20.5ins. All are doing great!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

We took Malia to 5th grade camp yesterday. She was super excited to go but mommy was extremely nervous. She kept rubbing my arm on the way to the camp saying it will be ok. Then she told me she her stomach was a little nervous, but as soon as we got there she was perfectly fine. Her best friend pulled at the same time so she was happy. I hope I make it threw the week. It is always weird for her to be gone from us, but I am sure this is something she will never forget.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

She had a little trouble waking up luckly I was around with Camera in hand:)

Today was a very hard day. Malia started 5th grade her last year in elementary. I can not believe where the time has gone. She was extremely excited this morning to go see her friends.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Malia 10th Birthday!!!!
It is so hard to believe she is 10 years old. Time sure does fly!
We had a great time with family. Thank you everyone for making her day so special.